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Air-Con Regas
If you've noticed you Air-Con isn't staying cool and running as well as it used to, it may mean it’s in need of a recharge.
Our qualified mechanics provide a quick and affordable Air-Con Recharge to make sure your Air-Con runs smoothly.
Our Air-con recharge prices starts from £45 for old gas, or £75 for new gas.
The process is very simple and involves replacing any old refrigerant gas and oil from your Air-Con system with the correct amount of new refrigerant per your vehicles manufacturer recommendations.
Air-Con that is not recharged regularly will be less effective and has to work harder to produce cool air. This will put more strain on your vehicles engine and uses more fuel.
Your Air-Con doesn’t just provide you with comfort through the summer months; it can also be of use to demist your windscreen throughout the Winter. Air-Con systems produce dry warm air rather than the normal humid air from outside which helps clear your windscreen quicker.
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